Cryptocurrency in Payroll Understanding Dubai's Latest Legal Judgement
Cryptocurrency in Payroll Understanding Dubai's Latest Legal Judgement

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Cryptocurrency in Payroll: Understanding Dubai’s Latest Legal Judgement


With rapid technological advancements, digital currencies are increasingly becoming an integral part of financial systems worldwide. Some companies have started using digital currencies to pay salaries, raising questions about their legality. In this article, we discuss a recent Dubai court ruling on the permissibility of paying salaries in digital currency.


In a historical judicial decision, the Dubai Court issued a ruling requiring a company to pay an employee’s entitlements in cryptocurrency. This ruling came after an employee filed an unfair dismissal lawsuit. The company had agreed in their employment contract to pay the employee’s salary in digital currency, specifically in the “Equat” coin, as well as the local currency, the Emirati dirham. However, a dispute arose due to the company’s failure to fulfill its obligations regarding payments in the Equat cryptocurrency. The court ruled in favor of the employee, ordering the company to pay the remaining salary balance in Equat, along with the equivalent in local currency for six months of unfair dismissal compensation.

Applicable Law

This ruling represents a significant development in how the judiciary interacts with cryptocurrencies. Laws regarding digital currencies vary from country to country, but this decision underscores the need for parties to honor the agreed terms in contracts and deal with cryptocurrencies fairly and equitably.

Court Judgement

The court ordered the company to pay the delayed salary owed to the employee in Equat, as stipulated in the employment contract, as well as in Emirati dirhams. This ruling emphasizes the importance of honoring contractual obligations while ensuring employee rights amidst the use of digital currencies.

Implications and Consequences

This ruling is a critical step towards regulating the use of digital currencies in financial transactions. It highlights the importance of clearly specifying payment terms in contracts to protect the rights of all parties involved. Additionally, the judgement reflects the flexibility of the judicial system in addressing legal developments in light of technological progress.


In conclusion, the Dubai court’s ruling in the case of paying an employee’s salary in digital currency demonstrates how the judiciary can interact with technological advancements. The ruling emphasizes the importance of contractual compliance and protecting employee rights. It represents a step towards better regulation of cryptocurrency use in financial transactions.

For any legal consultations regarding the use of digital currencies in salary payments or any similar legal topics, Al Safar and Partners Law Firm provides appropriate legal advice. Please do not hesitate to contact us at  : 97144221944 – –

Written By: Ms. Rana Al Shoufi – Legal Consultant & Head of legal Coordination Department at Al Safar and Partners Law Firm


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